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When should I take my child to see a Podiatrist?

With children's feet forever growing and changing (how many shoes can one child grow out of?!), it is often hard to know what is 'normal' and what, as parents, we should be concerned about.

For this reason, most Podiatrists spend around 30% of our day assessing and treating children's feet. This number has grown a lot over the years as parents become more aware of their kids' foot health.

To help parents navigate foot health a little easier, I have put together a list of things for you to watch for as your child grows and develops.


Kids should be able to move pain-free. If your child has regular episodes of pain in their feet or legs OR if they suffer from persistent pain in one area that lasts for more than 48 hours, you should see your Podiatrist or GP immediately to have these symptoms assessed.


Most children should be walking independenly by 18 months. If your child is not doing this, a Podiatry consult is recommended.

Podiatrists can also help with other paediatric biomechanical matters such as walking on tiptoes, excessive leg fatigue after exercise, or extreme clumsiness or tripping.


Flat feet, knocked knees, toes that point in or out, and different wear patterns on shoes are all things that Podiatrists can assess and manage.

Skin and Nails

It's important to regularly look at your child's feet to check for any unusual lumps or bumps (possibly a plantar wart), blisters, or skin cracks. If you notice anything unusual, your podiatrist can help as they are an expert in skin and nail conditions.

Children's toenails should be trimmed about every two-to-three weeks to prevent nails from splitting or tearing, which can happen to active feet.

If your child is a "picker", encourage them not to pick at their toenails as this could result in an ingrown toenail. If you are worried about cutting your child's toenails or their nail looks ingrown, always seek professional help from your podiatrist.


Some shoes are good for feet and some shoes aren’t so good for feet. Your podiatrist can assess your child and guide you to help select the best shoes for their growing feet.

If you have any concerns or questions regarding your child's foot health, please don't hesitate to book an appointment with us at Blackwood Podiatry.