The first small steps at Blackwood Podiatry

We know that at Blackwood Podiatry, we have A LOT of work to do to decrease our carbon footprint. Have you seen how many consumables we use to comply with infection control standards?!

However, as a team, we are educating ourselves, brainstorming ideas and implementing the first small steps to make conscious decisions at Blackwood Podiatry about the health of our planet.

What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.
— Dr Jane Goodall, Scientist & Activist

Climate change and health care

As healthcare providers, we aim to promote good health. Yet, as an industry, healthcare represents 4.4% of global carbon dioxide emissions.

SOURCE: Health Care’s Climate Footprint (2019)

When taken together the top ten health care carbon emitters (including the European Union as a single emitter) comprise 75% of health care’s total global emissions.
— Health Care Without Harm

There is growing evidence documenting the extent and nature of health care’s climate footprint. A 2019 study led by Health Care Without Harm concluded that:

  1. Healthcare is a major contributor to the climate crisis;

  2. More than half of healthcare’s footprint comes from energy use;

  3. Healthcare’s climate footprint generally reflects overall national emissions patterns;

  4. Decarbonising health care’s supply chain is critical;

  5. Fossil fuel combustion is at the heart of health care’s climate footprint; and

  6. Health care spending and the sector’s growth is an important factor in emissions.

SMALL - BUT POSITIVE STEPS - at Blackwood Podiatry

Over the last few years, we have implemented several changes to decrease the carbon footprint at Blackwood Podiatry. Although these steps might seem small, as a local family-owned business, they are a positive start and an opportunity for our team to take action.

These are the initiatives that we've implemented so far:

  • Electronic health records: In 2019 we underwent the mammoth task of transferring our paper-based clinical records into an electronic system. This change has significantly reduced the amount of paper and ink used daily in our clinic.

  • Printing & receipts: As a general rule, we don't print out receipts unless a patient specifically requests a hard copy. Instead, we prefer to email receipts to our patients.

  • Telehealth and technology: (which has taken off in the healthcare sector during the COVID pandemic) allows us to provide some podiatry services remotely.

  • Waste and recycling: where possible, we recycle. We also ensure that our waste is properly disposed of so that it doesn't end up in the wrong place.

  • Plants: We've created a green space within the clinic with pot plants to create a calming atmosphere and promote overall health.

  • Stock orders: we have decreased our stock ordering frequency which in turn decreases transport (fuel) use.

  • #GreenPodiatry blog series: we're using this platform to share ideas about how podiatry and feet can make a difference to the health of our planet.

Watch this space as more changes are coming! In the next 12-18 months, we've got our sights set on the following action items:

  • Educating and involving our team in #GreenPodiatry initiatives to create a culture and focus on environmental sustainability.

  • Improving waste and recycling efforts to reduce our overall waste volume going to landfill (we're looking at you, single-use medical items!).

  • Sourcing sustainable products for use in our clinic.

  • Promoting sustainable brands (including footwear, creams, etc).

  • Reviewing our lighting and electronic equipment to ensure that our energy use is as low as possible.

  • Working with partners, including our landlord and clinical suppliers, to adapt and create a more sustainable podiatry service.

Follow us on Facebook or Instagram for more in our #greenpodiatry series, including how good foot health can make a positive impact, plus how you can make sustainable footwear choices.